# You Need Rocket.Chat Weekly spending reports from YNAB to Rocket.chat. ## Installation YNRC is simple and complete Python package, so if you know how to handle Python packages you can use it right away. For example, to install it in your virutal environment you would: ``` python3 -m pip install git+ssh://git@git.kotur.org:8022/kotnik/ynrc.git ``` Branch `master` is guaranteed to be runnable at all times. On the other hand, if you are not experienced with Python you can use Docker. Clone repository and build the container with: ``` docker build -t ynrc . ``` Afterwards you can run YNRC (or add it to your crontab, but remove `--it` parametar in case you do) as simple as: ``` docker run -it --rm ynrc weekly_report --ynab-api-key ``` ## Preparation First you will need YNAB Personal Access Token. To create a new one follow this path in YNAB Web application: Account Settings -> Developer Settings -> New Personal Access Token. Visit [official documentation](https://api.youneedabudget.com/#quick-start) for more information. Then, create new incoming integration in Rocket.Chat by visiting Administration -> Integrations -> New -> Incoming page. Once you have all the tokens ready, you can run YNRC! ## Usage Help page explains it all: ``` usage: weekly_report [-h] [--version] --ynab-api-key YNAB_API_KEY --ynab-budget-name YNAB_BUDGET_NAME --rocketchat-webhook ROCKETCHAT_WEBHOOK [--rocketchat-avatar-url ROCKETCHAT_AVATAR_URL] [-v] [-vv] You Need Rocket.Chat: send weekly YNAB reports to your Rocket.Chat instance optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --version show program's version number and exit --ynab-api-key YNAB_API_KEY YNAB API key --ynab-budget-name YNAB_BUDGET_NAME YNAB budget name --rocketchat-webhook ROCKETCHAT_WEBHOOK Rocket.Chat webhook URL --rocketchat-avatar-url ROCKETCHAT_AVATAR_URL Rocket.Chat user avatar URL -v, --verbose set loglevel to INFO -vv, --very-verbose set loglevel to DEBUG ``` ## License Distributed under the MIT License. See `LICENSE.txt` for more information.