import os import sys import requests from flask import Flask, jsonify from flask_cors import CORS, cross_origin from prometheus_client.parser import text_string_to_metric_families app = Flask(__name__) app.config["JSON_SORT_KEYS"] = False cors = CORS(app) app.config["CORS_HEADERS"] = "Content-Type" def query_uptimekuma(): # Prepare host = os.getenv("UKH_HOST", None) api_key = os.getenv("UKH_API_KEY", None) if host is None or api_key is None: raise Exception("Missing credentials") if not host.endswith("/"): host = f"{host}/" host_metrics = f"{host}metrics" # Query r = requests.get(host_metrics, auth=("", api_key)) if r.status_code != 200: raise Exception("Failed to fetch") # Parse services = { "total": 0, "up": 0, "down": 0, "pending": 0, "maintenance": 0, } for family in text_string_to_metric_families(r.text): if != "monitor_status": continue for sample in family.samples: value = int(sample.value) services["total"] += 1 # (1 = UP, 0= DOWN, 2= PENDING, 3= MAINTENANCE) if value == 0: services["down"] += 1 elif value == 1: services["up"] += 1 elif value == 2: services["pending"] += 1 elif value == 3: services["maintenance"] += 1 assert services["total"] == ( services["down"] + services["up"] + services["pending"] + services["maintenance"] ) # Prepare output ret = {} if services["down"] > 0: ret["style"] = "is-danger" ret["title"] = "Service disruption" else: ret["style"] = "is-success" ret["title"] = "Everything is up and running" ret["content"] = ( f"Online {services['up']} / {services['total']}. Check here for more info.

" ) return ret @app.route("/endpoint/", methods=["GET"]) @cross_origin() def status(): return jsonify(query_uptimekuma()) if __name__ == "__main__": port = int(os.getenv("UKH_PORT", 8099))"", port=port)