composer.json 6.5 KB

  1. {
  2. "name": "shlinkio/shlink",
  3. "type": "project",
  4. "homepage": "",
  5. "description": "A self-hosted and PHP-based URL shortener application with CLI and REST interfaces",
  6. "license": "MIT",
  7. "authors": [
  8. {
  9. "name": "Alejandro Celaya Alastrué",
  10. "homepage": "",
  11. "email": ""
  12. }
  13. ],
  14. "require": {
  15. "php": "^7.1",
  16. "ext-json": "*",
  17. "ext-pdo": "*",
  18. "acelaya/ze-content-based-error-handler": "^2.2",
  19. "akrabat/ip-address-middleware": "^1.0",
  20. "cakephp/chronos": "^1.2",
  21. "cocur/slugify": "^3.0",
  22. "doctrine/cache": "^1.6",
  23. "doctrine/migrations": "^1.4",
  24. "doctrine/orm": "^2.5",
  25. "endroid/qr-code": "^1.7",
  26. "firebase/php-jwt": "^4.0",
  27. "geoip2/geoip2": "^2.9",
  28. "guzzlehttp/guzzle": "^6.2",
  29. "lstrojny/functional-php": "^1.8",
  30. "mikehaertl/phpwkhtmltopdf": "^2.2",
  31. "monolog/monolog": "^1.21",
  32. "roave/security-advisories": "dev-master",
  33. "symfony/console": "^4.1",
  34. "symfony/filesystem": "^4.1",
  35. "symfony/lock": "^4.1",
  36. "symfony/process": "^4.1",
  37. "theorchard/monolog-cascade": "^0.4",
  38. "zendframework/zend-config": "^3.0",
  39. "zendframework/zend-config-aggregator": "^1.0",
  40. "zendframework/zend-diactoros": "^2.0",
  41. "zendframework/zend-expressive": "^3.0",
  42. "zendframework/zend-expressive-fastroute": "^3.0",
  43. "zendframework/zend-expressive-helpers": "^5.0",
  44. "zendframework/zend-expressive-platesrenderer": "^2.0",
  45. "zendframework/zend-expressive-swoole": "^2.2",
  46. "zendframework/zend-i18n": "^2.7",
  47. "zendframework/zend-inputfilter": "^2.8",
  48. "zendframework/zend-paginator": "^2.6",
  49. "zendframework/zend-servicemanager": "^3.2",
  50. "zendframework/zend-stdlib": "^3.0"
  51. },
  52. "require-dev": {
  53. "devster/ubench": "^2.0",
  54. "filp/whoops": "^2.0",
  55. "infection/infection": "^0.11.0",
  56. "phpstan/phpstan": "^0.10.0",
  57. "phpunit/phpcov": "^5.0",
  58. "phpunit/phpunit": "^7.3",
  59. "shlinkio/php-coding-standard": "~1.0.0",
  60. "symfony/dotenv": "^4.0",
  61. "symfony/var-dumper": "^4.0",
  62. "zendframework/zend-component-installer": "^2.1",
  63. "zendframework/zend-expressive-tooling": "^1.0"
  64. },
  65. "autoload": {
  66. "psr-4": {
  67. "Shlinkio\\Shlink\\CLI\\": "module/CLI/src",
  68. "Shlinkio\\Shlink\\Rest\\": "module/Rest/src",
  69. "Shlinkio\\Shlink\\Core\\": "module/Core/src",
  70. "Shlinkio\\Shlink\\Common\\": "module/Common/src",
  71. "Shlinkio\\Shlink\\Installer\\": "module/Installer/src"
  72. },
  73. "files": [
  74. "module/Common/functions/functions.php"
  75. ]
  76. },
  77. "autoload-dev": {
  78. "psr-4": {
  79. "ShlinkioTest\\Shlink\\CLI\\": "module/CLI/test",
  80. "ShlinkioTest\\Shlink\\Rest\\": "module/Rest/test",
  81. "ShlinkioTest\\Shlink\\Core\\": [
  82. "module/Core/test",
  83. "module/Core/test-func"
  84. ],
  85. "ShlinkioTest\\Shlink\\Common\\": [
  86. "module/Common/test",
  87. "module/Common/test-func"
  88. ],
  89. "ShlinkioTest\\Shlink\\Installer\\": "module/Installer/test"
  90. }
  91. },
  92. "scripts": {
  93. "check": [
  94. "@cs",
  95. "@stan",
  96. "@test:ci",
  97. "@infect:ci"
  98. ],
  99. "ci": [
  100. "echo \"This command is DEPRECATED. Use check instead\"",
  101. "@check"
  102. ],
  103. "cs": "phpcs",
  104. "cs:fix": "phpcbf",
  105. "stan": "phpstan analyse module/*/src/ --level=5 -c phpstan.neon",
  106. "test": [
  107. "@test:unit",
  108. "@test:func"
  109. ],
  110. "test:ci": [
  111. "@test:unit:ci",
  112. "@test:func"
  113. ],
  114. "test:unit": "phpdbg -qrr vendor/bin/phpunit --order-by=random --coverage-php build/coverage-unit.cov",
  115. "test:unit:ci": "phpdbg -qrr vendor/bin/phpunit --order-by=random --coverage-php build/coverage-unit.cov --coverage-clover=build/clover.xml --coverage-xml=build/coverage-xml --log-junit=build/phpunit.junit.xml",
  116. "test:func": "phpdbg -qrr vendor/bin/phpunit --order-by=random -c phpunit-func.xml --coverage-php build/coverage-func.cov",
  117. "test:pretty": [
  118. "@test",
  119. "phpdbg -qrr vendor/bin/phpcov merge build --html build/html"
  120. ],
  121. "test:unit:pretty": "phpdbg -qrr vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-html build/coverage --order-by=random",
  122. "infect": "infection --threads=4 --min-msi=65 --log-verbosity=2 --only-covered",
  123. "infect:ci": "infection --threads=4 --min-msi=65 --log-verbosity=2 --only-covered --coverage=build",
  124. "infect:show": "infection --threads=4 --min-msi=65 --log-verbosity=2 --only-covered --show-mutations",
  125. "infect:test": [
  126. "@test:unit:ci",
  127. "@infect:ci"
  128. ]
  129. },
  130. "scripts-descriptions": {
  131. "check": "<fg=blue;options=bold>Alias for \"cs\", \"stan\", \"test\" and \"infect\"</>",
  132. "ci": "<fg=blue;options=bold>Alias for \"cs\", \"stan\", \"test:ci\" and \"infect:ci\"</>",
  133. "cs": "<fg=blue;options=bold>Checks coding styles</>",
  134. "cs:fix": "<fg=blue;options=bold>Fixes coding styles, when possible</>",
  135. "stan": "<fg=blue;options=bold>Inspects code with phpstan</>",
  136. "test": "<fg=blue;options=bold>Runs all test suites</>",
  137. "test:ci": "<fg=blue;options=bold>Runs all test suites, generating all needed reports and logs for CI envs</>",
  138. "test:unit": "<fg=blue;options=bold>Runs unit test suites</>",
  139. "test:unit:ci": "<fg=blue;options=bold>Runs unit test suites, generating all needed reports and logs for CI envs</>",
  140. "test:func": "<fg=blue;options=bold>Runs functional test suites (covering entity repositories)</>",
  141. "test:pretty": "<fg=blue;options=bold>Runs all test suites and generates an HTML code coverage report</>",
  142. "test:unit:pretty": "<fg=blue;options=bold>Runs unit test suites and generates an HTML code coverage report</>",
  143. "infect": "<fg=blue;options=bold>Checks unit tests quality applying mutation testing</>",
  144. "infect:ci": "<fg=blue;options=bold>Checks unit tests quality applying mutation testing with existing reports and logs</>",
  145. "infect:show": "<fg=blue;options=bold>Checks unit tests quality applying mutation testing and shows applied mutators</>"
  146. },
  147. "config": {
  148. "sort-packages": true
  149. }
  150. }