name: app type: php:7.4 build: flavor: none dependencies: php: composer/composer: '^2' hooks: build: | set -e ./ deploy: | set -e relationships: database: "db:shlinkdb" # The size of the persistent disk of the application (in MB). disk: 2048 # The mounts that will be performed when the package is deployed. mounts: "/build/data/log": source: local source_path: "log" "/build/data/cache": source: local source_path: "cache" "/build/data/locks": source: local source_path: "locks" "/build/data/proxies": source: local source_path: "proxies" "/build/config/params": source: local source_path: "config_params" web: locations: "/": root: "build/public" passthru: "/index.php" crons: processIPs: spec: '0 * * * *' cmd: './build/bin/cli visit:locate -q'