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  147. <li><a class="toctree-l4" href="#what-can-i-do-with-plugins">What can I do with plugins?</a></li>
  148. <li><a class="toctree-l4" href="#how-can-i-create-a-plugin-for-shaarli">How can I create a plugin for Shaarli?</a></li>
  149. <li><a class="toctree-l4" href="#plugin-initialization">Plugin initialization</a></li>
  150. <li><a class="toctree-l4" href="#understanding-hooks">Understanding hooks</a></li>
  151. <li><a class="toctree-l4" href="#plugins-data">Plugin's data</a></li>
  152. <li><a class="toctree-l4" href="#metadata">Metadata</a></li>
  153. <li><a class="toctree-l4" href="#its-not-working">It's not working!</a></li>
  154. <li><a class="toctree-l4" href="#hooks">Hooks</a></li>
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  159. <li><a class="toctree-l4" href="#placeholder-system">Placeholder system</a></li>
  160. <li><a class="toctree-l4" href="#list-of-placeholders">List of placeholders</a></li>
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  220. <p><a href="#developer-api"><strong>I am a developer.</strong> Developer API.</a></p>
  221. <p><a href="#guide-for-template-designer"><strong>I am a template designer.</strong> Guide for template designer.</a></p>
  222. <h2 id="developer-api">Developer API</h2>
  223. <h3 id="what-can-i-do-with-plugins">What can I do with plugins?</h3>
  224. <p>The plugin system let you:</p>
  225. <ul>
  226. <li>insert content into specific places across templates.</li>
  227. <li>alter data before templates rendering.</li>
  228. <li>alter data before saving new links.</li>
  229. </ul>
  230. <h3 id="how-can-i-create-a-plugin-for-shaarli">How can I create a plugin for Shaarli?</h3>
  231. <p>First, chose a plugin name, such as <code>demo_plugin</code>.</p>
  232. <p>Under <code>plugin</code> folder, create a folder named with your plugin name. Then create a <plugin_name>.php file in that folder.</p>
  233. <p>You should have the following tree view:</p>
  234. <pre><code>| index.php
  235. | plugins/
  236. |---| demo_plugin/
  237. | |---| demo_plugin.php
  238. </code></pre>
  239. <h3 id="plugin-initialization">Plugin initialization</h3>
  240. <p>At the beginning of Shaarli execution, all enabled plugins are loaded. At this point, the plugin system looks for an <code>init()</code> function to execute and run it if it exists. This function must be named this way, and takes the <code>ConfigManager</code> as parameter.</p>
  241. <pre><code>&lt;plugin_name&gt;_init($conf)
  242. </code></pre>
  243. <p>This function can be used to create initial data, load default settings, etc. But also to set <em>plugin errors</em>. If the initialization function returns an array of strings, they will be understand as errors, and displayed in the header to logged in users.</p>
  244. <h3 id="understanding-hooks">Understanding hooks</h3>
  245. <p>A plugin is a set of functions. Each function will be triggered by the plugin system at certain point in Shaarli execution.</p>
  246. <p>These functions need to be named with this pattern:</p>
  247. <pre><code>hook_&lt;plugin_name&gt;_&lt;hook_name&gt;($data, $conf)
  248. </code></pre>
  249. <p>Parameters:</p>
  250. <ul>
  251. <li>data: see <a href="">$data section</a></li>
  252. <li>conf: the <code>ConfigManager</code> instance.</li>
  253. </ul>
  254. <p>For exemple, if my plugin want to add data to the header, this function is needed:</p>
  255. <pre><code>hook_demo_plugin_render_header
  256. </code></pre>
  257. <p>If this function is declared, and the plugin enabled, it will be called every time Shaarli is rendering the header.</p>
  258. <h3 id="plugins-data">Plugin's data</h3>
  259. <h4 id="parameters">Parameters</h4>
  260. <p>Every hook function has a <code>$data</code> parameter. Its content differs for each hooks.</p>
  261. <p><strong>This parameter needs to be returned every time</strong>, otherwise data is lost.</p>
  262. <pre><code>return $data;
  263. </code></pre>
  264. <h4 id="filling-templates-placeholder">Filling templates placeholder</h4>
  265. <p>Template placeholders are displayed in template in specific places.</p>
  266. <p>RainTPL displays every element contained in the placeholder's array. These element can be added by plugins.</p>
  267. <p>For example, let's add a value in the placeholder <code>top_placeholder</code> which is displayed at the top of my page:</p>
  268. <pre><code class="php">$data['top_placeholder'][] = 'My content';
  269. # OR
  270. array_push($data['top_placeholder'], 'My', 'content');
  271. return $data;
  272. </code></pre>
  273. <h4 id="data-manipulation">Data manipulation</h4>
  274. <p>When a page is displayed, every variable send to the template engine is passed to plugins before that in <code>$data</code>.</p>
  275. <p>The data contained by this array can be altered before template rendering.</p>
  276. <p>For exemple, in linklist, it is possible to alter every title:</p>
  277. <pre><code class="php">// mind the reference if you want $data to be altered
  278. foreach ($data['links'] as &amp;$value) {
  279. // String reverse every title.
  280. $value['title'] = strrev($value['title']);
  281. }
  282. return $data;
  283. </code></pre>
  284. <h3 id="metadata">Metadata</h3>
  285. <p>Every plugin needs a <code>&lt;plugin_name&gt;.meta</code> file, which is in fact an <code>.ini</code> file (<code>KEY="VALUE"</code>), to be listed in plugin administration.</p>
  286. <p>Each file contain two keys:</p>
  287. <ul>
  288. <li><code>description</code>: plugin description</li>
  289. <li><code>parameters</code>: user parameter names, separated by a <code>;</code>.</li>
  290. <li><code>parameter.&lt;PARAMETER_NAME&gt;</code>: add a text description the specified parameter.</li>
  291. </ul>
  292. <blockquote>
  293. <p>Note: In PHP, <code>parse_ini_file()</code> seems to want strings to be between by quotes <code>"</code> in the ini file.</p>
  294. </blockquote>
  295. <h3 id="its-not-working">It's not working!</h3>
  296. <p>Use <code>demo_plugin</code> as a functional example. It covers most of the plugin system features.</p>
  297. <p>If it's still not working, please <a href="">open an issue</a>.</p>
  298. <h3 id="hooks">Hooks</h3>
  299. <table>
  300. <thead>
  301. <tr>
  302. <th>Hooks</th>
  303. <th align="center">Description</th>
  304. </tr>
  305. </thead>
  306. <tbody>
  307. <tr>
  308. <td><a href="#render_header">render_header</a></td>
  309. <td align="center">Allow plugin to add content in page headers.</td>
  310. </tr>
  311. <tr>
  312. <td><a href="#render_includes">render_includes</a></td>
  313. <td align="center">Allow plugin to include their own CSS files.</td>
  314. </tr>
  315. <tr>
  316. <td><a href="#render_footer">render_footer</a></td>
  317. <td align="center">Allow plugin to add content in page footer and include their own JS files.</td>
  318. </tr>
  319. <tr>
  320. <td><a href="#render_linklist">render_linklist</a></td>
  321. <td align="center">It allows to add content at the begining and end of the page, after every link displayed and to alter link data.</td>
  322. </tr>
  323. <tr>
  324. <td><a href="#render_editlink">render_editlink</a></td>
  325. <td align="center">Allow to add fields in the form, or display elements.</td>
  326. </tr>
  327. <tr>
  328. <td><a href="#render_tools">render_tools</a></td>
  329. <td align="center">Allow to add content at the end of the page.</td>
  330. </tr>
  331. <tr>
  332. <td><a href="#render_picwall">render_picwall</a></td>
  333. <td align="center">Allow to add content at the top and bottom of the page.</td>
  334. </tr>
  335. <tr>
  336. <td><a href="#render_tagcloud">render_tagcloud</a></td>
  337. <td align="center">Allow to add content at the top and bottom of the page, and after all tags.</td>
  338. </tr>
  339. <tr>
  340. <td><a href="#render_taglist">render_taglist</a></td>
  341. <td align="center">Allow to add content at the top and bottom of the page, and after all tags.</td>
  342. </tr>
  343. <tr>
  344. <td><a href="#render_daily">render_daily</a></td>
  345. <td align="center">Allow to add content at the top and bottom of the page, the bottom of each link and to alter data.</td>
  346. </tr>
  347. <tr>
  348. <td><a href="#render_feed">render_feed</a></td>
  349. <td align="center">Allow to do add tags in RSS and ATOM feeds.</td>
  350. </tr>
  351. <tr>
  352. <td><a href="#save_link">save_link</a></td>
  353. <td align="center">Allow to alter the link being saved in the datastore.</td>
  354. </tr>
  355. <tr>
  356. <td><a href="#delete_link">delete_link</a></td>
  357. <td align="center">Allow to do an action before a link is deleted from the datastore.</td>
  358. </tr>
  359. </tbody>
  360. </table>
  361. <h4 id="render_header">render_header</h4>
  362. <p>Triggered on every page.</p>
  363. <p>Allow plugin to add content in page headers.</p>
  364. <h5 id="data">Data</h5>
  365. <p><code>$data</code> is an array containing:</p>
  366. <ul>
  367. <li><code>_PAGE_</code>: current target page (eg: <code>linklist</code>, <code>picwall</code>, etc.).</li>
  368. <li><code>_LOGGEDIN_</code>: true if user is logged in, false otherwise.</li>
  369. </ul>
  370. <h5 id="template-placeholders">Template placeholders</h5>
  371. <p>Items can be displayed in templates by adding an entry in <code>$data['&lt;placeholder&gt;']</code> array.</p>
  372. <p>List of placeholders:</p>
  373. <ul>
  374. <li><code>buttons_toolbar</code>: after the list of buttons in the header.</li>
  375. </ul>
  376. <p><img alt="buttons_toolbar_example" src="" /></p>
  377. <ul>
  378. <li><code>fields_toolbar</code>: after search fields in the header.</li>
  379. </ul>
  380. <blockquote>
  381. <p>Note: This will only be called in linklist.</p>
  382. </blockquote>
  383. <p><img alt="fields_toolbar_example" src="" /></p>
  384. <h4 id="render_includes">render_includes</h4>
  385. <p>Triggered on every page.</p>
  386. <p>Allow plugin to include their own CSS files.</p>
  387. <h5 id="data_1">Data</h5>
  388. <p><code>$data</code> is an array containing:</p>
  389. <ul>
  390. <li><code>_PAGE_</code>: current target page (eg: <code>linklist</code>, <code>picwall</code>, etc.).</li>
  391. <li><code>_LOGGEDIN_</code>: true if user is logged in, false otherwise.</li>
  392. </ul>
  393. <h5 id="template-placeholders_1">Template placeholders</h5>
  394. <p>Items can be displayed in templates by adding an entry in <code>$data['&lt;placeholder&gt;']</code> array.</p>
  395. <p>List of placeholders:</p>
  396. <ul>
  397. <li><code>css_files</code>: called after loading default CSS.</li>
  398. </ul>
  399. <blockquote>
  400. <p>Note: only add the path of the CSS file. E.g: <code>plugins/demo_plugin/custom_demo.css</code>.</p>
  401. </blockquote>
  402. <h4 id="render_footer">render_footer</h4>
  403. <p>Triggered on every page.</p>
  404. <p>Allow plugin to add content in page footer and include their own JS files.</p>
  405. <h5 id="data_2">Data</h5>
  406. <p><code>$data</code> is an array containing:</p>
  407. <ul>
  408. <li><code>_PAGE_</code>: current target page (eg: <code>linklist</code>, <code>picwall</code>, etc.).</li>
  409. <li><code>_LOGGEDIN_</code>: true if user is logged in, false otherwise.</li>
  410. </ul>
  411. <h5 id="template-placeholders_2">Template placeholders</h5>
  412. <p>Items can be displayed in templates by adding an entry in <code>$data['&lt;placeholder&gt;']</code> array.</p>
  413. <p>List of placeholders:</p>
  414. <ul>
  415. <li><code>text</code>: called after the end of the footer text.</li>
  416. <li><code>endofpage</code>: called at the end of the page.</li>
  417. </ul>
  418. <p><img alt="text_example" src="" /></p>
  419. <ul>
  420. <li><code>js_files</code>: called at the end of the page, to include custom JS scripts.</li>
  421. </ul>
  422. <blockquote>
  423. <p>Note: only add the path of the JS file. E.g: <code>plugins/demo_plugin/custom_demo.js</code>.</p>
  424. </blockquote>
  425. <h4 id="render_linklist">render_linklist</h4>
  426. <p>Triggered when <code>linklist</code> is displayed (list of links, permalink, search, tag filtered, etc.).</p>
  427. <p>It allows to add content at the begining and end of the page, after every link displayed and to alter link data.</p>
  428. <h5 id="data_3">Data</h5>
  429. <p><code>$data</code> is an array containing:</p>
  430. <ul>
  431. <li><code>_LOGGEDIN_</code>: true if user is logged in, false otherwise.</li>
  432. <li>All templates data, including links.</li>
  433. </ul>
  434. <h5 id="template-placeholders_3">Template placeholders</h5>
  435. <p>Items can be displayed in templates by adding an entry in <code>$data['&lt;placeholder&gt;']</code> array.</p>
  436. <p>List of placeholders:</p>
  437. <ul>
  438. <li><code>action_plugin</code>: next to the button "private only" at the top and bottom of the page.</li>
  439. </ul>
  440. <p><img alt="action_plugin_example" src="" /></p>
  441. <ul>
  442. <li><code>link_plugin</code>: for every link, between permalink and link URL.</li>
  443. </ul>
  444. <p><img alt="link_plugin_example" src="" /></p>
  445. <ul>
  446. <li><code>plugin_start_zone</code>: before displaying the template content.</li>
  447. </ul>
  448. <p><img alt="plugin_start_zone_example" src="" /></p>
  449. <ul>
  450. <li><code>plugin_end_zone</code>: after displaying the template content.</li>
  451. </ul>
  452. <p><img alt="plugin_end_zone_example" src="" /></p>
  453. <h4 id="render_editlink">render_editlink</h4>
  454. <p>Triggered when the link edition form is displayed.</p>
  455. <p>Allow to add fields in the form, or display elements.</p>
  456. <h5 id="data_4">Data</h5>
  457. <p><code>$data</code> is an array containing:</p>
  458. <ul>
  459. <li>All templates data.</li>
  460. </ul>
  461. <h5 id="template-placeholders_4">Template placeholders</h5>
  462. <p>Items can be displayed in templates by adding an entry in <code>$data['&lt;placeholder&gt;']</code> array.</p>
  463. <p>List of placeholders:</p>
  464. <ul>
  465. <li><code>edit_link_plugin</code>: after tags field.</li>
  466. </ul>
  467. <p><img alt="edit_link_plugin_example" src="" /></p>
  468. <h4 id="render_tools">render_tools</h4>
  469. <p>Triggered when the "tools" page is displayed.</p>
  470. <p>Allow to add content at the end of the page.</p>
  471. <h5 id="data_5">Data</h5>
  472. <p><code>$data</code> is an array containing:</p>
  473. <ul>
  474. <li>All templates data.</li>
  475. </ul>
  476. <h5 id="template-placeholders_5">Template placeholders</h5>
  477. <p>Items can be displayed in templates by adding an entry in <code>$data['&lt;placeholder&gt;']</code> array.</p>
  478. <p>List of placeholders:</p>
  479. <ul>
  480. <li><code>tools_plugin</code>: at the end of the page.</li>
  481. </ul>
  482. <p><img alt="tools_plugin_example" src="" /></p>
  483. <h4 id="render_picwall">render_picwall</h4>
  484. <p>Triggered when picwall is displayed.</p>
  485. <p>Allow to add content at the top and bottom of the page.</p>
  486. <h5 id="data_6">Data</h5>
  487. <p><code>$data</code> is an array containing:</p>
  488. <ul>
  489. <li><code>_LOGGEDIN_</code>: true if user is logged in, false otherwise.</li>
  490. <li>All templates data.</li>
  491. </ul>
  492. <h5 id="template-placeholders_6">Template placeholders</h5>
  493. <p>Items can be displayed in templates by adding an entry in <code>$data['&lt;placeholder&gt;']</code> array.</p>
  494. <p>List of placeholders:</p>
  495. <ul>
  496. <li>
  497. <p><code>plugin_start_zone</code>: before displaying the template content.</p>
  498. </li>
  499. <li>
  500. <p><code>plugin_end_zone</code>: after displaying the template content.</p>
  501. </li>
  502. </ul>
  503. <p><img alt="plugin_start_end_zone_example" src="" /></p>
  504. <h4 id="render_tagcloud">render_tagcloud</h4>
  505. <p>Triggered when tagcloud is displayed.</p>
  506. <p>Allow to add content at the top and bottom of the page.</p>
  507. <h5 id="data_7">Data</h5>
  508. <p><code>$data</code> is an array containing:</p>
  509. <ul>
  510. <li><code>_LOGGEDIN_</code>: true if user is logged in, false otherwise.</li>
  511. <li>All templates data.</li>
  512. </ul>
  513. <h5 id="template-placeholders_7">Template placeholders</h5>
  514. <p>Items can be displayed in templates by adding an entry in <code>$data['&lt;placeholder&gt;']</code> array.</p>
  515. <p>List of placeholders:</p>
  516. <ul>
  517. <li>
  518. <p><code>plugin_start_zone</code>: before displaying the template content.</p>
  519. </li>
  520. <li>
  521. <p><code>plugin_end_zone</code>: after displaying the template content.</p>
  522. </li>
  523. </ul>
  524. <p>For each tag, the following placeholder can be used:</p>
  525. <ul>
  526. <li><code>tag_plugin</code>: after each tag</li>
  527. </ul>
  528. <p><img alt="plugin_start_end_zone_example" src="" /></p>
  529. <h4 id="render_taglist">render_taglist</h4>
  530. <p>Triggered when taglist is displayed.</p>
  531. <p>Allow to add content at the top and bottom of the page.</p>
  532. <h5 id="data_8">Data</h5>
  533. <p><code>$data</code> is an array containing:</p>
  534. <ul>
  535. <li><code>_LOGGEDIN_</code>: true if user is logged in, false otherwise.</li>
  536. <li>All templates data.</li>
  537. </ul>
  538. <h5 id="template-placeholders_8">Template placeholders</h5>
  539. <p>Items can be displayed in templates by adding an entry in <code>$data['&lt;placeholder&gt;']</code> array.</p>
  540. <p>List of placeholders:</p>
  541. <ul>
  542. <li>
  543. <p><code>plugin_start_zone</code>: before displaying the template content.</p>
  544. </li>
  545. <li>
  546. <p><code>plugin_end_zone</code>: after displaying the template content.</p>
  547. </li>
  548. </ul>
  549. <p>For each tag, the following placeholder can be used:</p>
  550. <ul>
  551. <li><code>tag_plugin</code>: after each tag</li>
  552. </ul>
  553. <h4 id="render_daily">render_daily</h4>
  554. <p>Triggered when tagcloud is displayed.</p>
  555. <p>Allow to add content at the top and bottom of the page, the bottom of each link and to alter data.</p>
  556. <h5 id="data_9">Data</h5>
  557. <p><code>$data</code> is an array containing:</p>
  558. <ul>
  559. <li><code>_LOGGEDIN_</code>: true if user is logged in, false otherwise.</li>
  560. <li>All templates data, including links.</li>
  561. </ul>
  562. <h5 id="template-placeholders_9">Template placeholders</h5>
  563. <p>Items can be displayed in templates by adding an entry in <code>$data['&lt;placeholder&gt;']</code> array.</p>
  564. <p>List of placeholders:</p>
  565. <ul>
  566. <li><code>link_plugin</code>: used at bottom of each link.</li>
  567. </ul>
  568. <p><img alt="link_plugin_example" src="" /></p>
  569. <ul>
  570. <li>
  571. <p><code>plugin_start_zone</code>: before displaying the template content.</p>
  572. </li>
  573. <li>
  574. <p><code>plugin_end_zone</code>: after displaying the template content.</p>
  575. </li>
  576. </ul>
  577. <h4 id="render_feed">render_feed</h4>
  578. <p>Triggered when the ATOM or RSS feed is displayed.</p>
  579. <p>Allow to add tags in the feed, either in the header or for each items. Items (links) can also be altered before being rendered.</p>
  580. <h5 id="data_10">Data</h5>
  581. <p><code>$data</code> is an array containing:</p>
  582. <ul>
  583. <li><code>_LOGGEDIN_</code>: true if user is logged in, false otherwise.</li>
  584. <li><code>_PAGE_</code>: containing either <code>rss</code> or <code>atom</code>.</li>
  585. <li>All templates data, including links.</li>
  586. </ul>
  587. <h5 id="template-placeholders_10">Template placeholders</h5>
  588. <p>Tags can be added in feeds by adding an entry in <code>$data['&lt;placeholder&gt;']</code> array.</p>
  589. <p>List of placeholders:</p>
  590. <ul>
  591. <li><code>feed_plugins_header</code>: used as a header tag in the feed.</li>
  592. </ul>
  593. <p>For each links:</p>
  594. <ul>
  595. <li><code>feed_plugins</code>: additional tag for every link entry.</li>
  596. </ul>
  597. <h4 id="save_link">save_link</h4>
  598. <p>Triggered when a link is save (new link or edit).</p>
  599. <p>Allow to alter the link being saved in the datastore.</p>
  600. <h5 id="data_11">Data</h5>
  601. <p><code>$data</code> is an array containing the link being saved:</p>
  602. <ul>
  603. <li>id</li>
  604. <li>title</li>
  605. <li>url</li>
  606. <li>shorturl</li>
  607. <li>description</li>
  608. <li>private</li>
  609. <li>tags</li>
  610. <li>created</li>
  611. <li>updated</li>
  612. </ul>
  613. <h4 id="delete_link">delete_link</h4>
  614. <p>Triggered when a link is deleted.</p>
  615. <p>Allow to execute any action before the link is actually removed from the datastore</p>
  616. <h5 id="data_12">Data</h5>
  617. <p><code>$data</code> is an array containing the link being saved:</p>
  618. <ul>
  619. <li>id</li>
  620. <li>title</li>
  621. <li>url</li>
  622. <li>shorturl</li>
  623. <li>description</li>
  624. <li>private</li>
  625. <li>tags</li>
  626. <li>created</li>
  627. <li>updated</li>
  628. </ul>
  629. <h2 id="guide-for-template-designer">Guide for template designer</h2>
  630. <h3 id="plugin-administration">Plugin administration</h3>
  631. <p>Your theme must include a plugin administration page: <code>pluginsadmin.html</code>.</p>
  632. <blockquote>
  633. <p>Note: repo's template link needs to be added when the PR is merged.</p>
  634. </blockquote>
  635. <p>Use the default one as an example.</p>
  636. <p>Aside from classic RainTPL loops, plugins order is handle by JavaScript. You can just include <code>plugin_admin.js</code>, only if:</p>
  637. <ul>
  638. <li>you're using a table.</li>
  639. <li>you call orderUp() and orderUp() onclick on arrows.</li>
  640. <li>you add data-line and data-order to your rows.</li>
  641. </ul>
  642. <p>Otherwise, you can use your own JS as long as this field is send by the form:</p>
  643. <p><input type="hidden" name="order_{$key}" value="{$counter}"></p>
  644. <h3 id="placeholder-system">Placeholder system</h3>
  645. <p>In order to make plugins work with every custom themes, you need to add variable placeholder in your templates. </p>
  646. <p>It's a RainTPL loop like this:</p>
  647. <pre><code>{loop="$plugin_variable"}
  648. {$value}
  649. {/loop}
  650. </code></pre>
  651. <p>You should enable <code>demo_plugin</code> for testing purpose, since it uses every placeholder available.</p>
  652. <h3 id="list-of-placeholders">List of placeholders</h3>
  653. <p><strong>page.header.html</strong></p>
  654. <p>At the end of the menu:</p>
  655. <pre><code>{loop="$plugins_header.buttons_toolbar"}
  656. {$value}
  657. {/loop}
  658. </code></pre>
  659. <p>At the end of file, before clearing floating blocks:</p>
  660. <pre><code>{if="!empty($plugin_errors) &amp;&amp; isLoggedIn()"}
  661. &lt;ul class="errors"&gt;
  662. {loop="plugin_errors"}
  663. &lt;li&gt;{$value}&lt;/li&gt;
  664. {/loop}
  665. &lt;/ul&gt;
  666. {/if}
  667. </code></pre>
  668. <p><strong>includes.html</strong></p>
  669. <p>At the end of the file:</p>
  670. <pre><code class="html">{loop=&quot;$plugins_includes.css_files&quot;}
  671. &lt;link type=&quot;text/css&quot; rel=&quot;stylesheet&quot; href=&quot;{$value}#&quot;/&gt;
  672. {/loop}
  673. </code></pre>
  674. <p><strong>page.footer.html</strong></p>
  675. <p>At the end of your footer notes:</p>
  676. <pre><code class="html">{loop=&quot;$plugins_footer.text&quot;}
  677. {$value}
  678. {/loop}
  679. </code></pre>
  680. <p>At the end of file:</p>
  681. <pre><code class="html">{loop=&quot;$plugins_footer.js_files&quot;}
  682. &lt;script src=&quot;{$value}#&quot;&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
  683. {/loop}
  684. </code></pre>
  685. <p><strong>linklist.html</strong></p>
  686. <p>After search fields:</p>
  687. <pre><code class="html">{loop=&quot;$plugins_header.fields_toolbar&quot;}
  688. {$value}
  689. {/loop}
  690. </code></pre>
  691. <p>Before displaying the link list (after paging):</p>
  692. <pre><code class="html">{loop=&quot;$plugin_start_zone&quot;}
  693. {$value}
  694. {/loop}
  695. </code></pre>
  696. <p>For every links (icons):</p>
  697. <pre><code class="html">{loop=&quot;$value.link_plugin&quot;}
  698. &lt;span&gt;{$value}&lt;/span&gt;
  699. {/loop}
  700. </code></pre>
  701. <p>Before end paging:</p>
  702. <pre><code class="html">{loop=&quot;$plugin_end_zone&quot;}
  703. {$value}
  704. {/loop}
  705. </code></pre>
  706. <p><strong>linklist.paging.html</strong></p>
  707. <p>After the "private only" icon:</p>
  708. <pre><code class="html">{loop=&quot;$action_plugin&quot;}
  709. {$value}
  710. {/loop}
  711. </code></pre>
  712. <p><strong>editlink.html</strong></p>
  713. <p>After tags field:</p>
  714. <pre><code class="html">{loop=&quot;$edit_link_plugin&quot;}
  715. {$value}
  716. {/loop}
  717. </code></pre>
  718. <p><strong>tools.html</strong></p>
  719. <p>After the last tool:</p>
  720. <pre><code class="html">{loop=&quot;$tools_plugin&quot;}
  721. {$value}
  722. {/loop}
  723. </code></pre>
  724. <p><strong>picwall.html</strong></p>
  725. <p>Top:</p>
  726. <pre><code class="html">&lt;div id=&quot;plugin_zone_start_picwall&quot; class=&quot;plugin_zone&quot;&gt;
  727. {loop=&quot;$plugin_start_zone&quot;}
  728. {$value}
  729. {/loop}
  730. &lt;/div&gt;
  731. </code></pre>
  732. <p>Bottom:</p>
  733. <pre><code class="html">&lt;div id=&quot;plugin_zone_end_picwall&quot; class=&quot;plugin_zone&quot;&gt;
  734. {loop=&quot;$plugin_end_zone&quot;}
  735. {$value}
  736. {/loop}
  737. &lt;/div&gt;
  738. </code></pre>
  739. <p><strong>tagcloud.html</strong></p>
  740. <p>Top:</p>
  741. <pre><code class="html"> &lt;div id=&quot;plugin_zone_start_tagcloud&quot; class=&quot;plugin_zone&quot;&gt;
  742. {loop=&quot;$plugin_start_zone&quot;}
  743. {$value}
  744. {/loop}
  745. &lt;/div&gt;
  746. </code></pre>
  747. <p>Bottom:</p>
  748. <pre><code class="html"> &lt;div id=&quot;plugin_zone_end_tagcloud&quot; class=&quot;plugin_zone&quot;&gt;
  749. {loop=&quot;$plugin_end_zone&quot;}
  750. {$value}
  751. {/loop}
  752. &lt;/div&gt;
  753. </code></pre>
  754. <p><strong>daily.html</strong></p>
  755. <p>Top:</p>
  756. <pre><code class="html">&lt;div id=&quot;plugin_zone_start_picwall&quot; class=&quot;plugin_zone&quot;&gt;
  757. {loop=&quot;$plugin_start_zone&quot;}
  758. {$value}
  759. {/loop}
  760. &lt;/div&gt;
  761. </code></pre>
  762. <p>After every link:</p>
  763. <pre><code class="html">&lt;div class=&quot;dailyEntryFooter&quot;&gt;
  764. {loop=&quot;$link.link_plugin&quot;}
  765. {$value}
  766. {/loop}
  767. &lt;/div&gt;
  768. </code></pre>
  769. <p>Bottom:</p>
  770. <pre><code class="html">&lt;div id=&quot;plugin_zone_end_picwall&quot; class=&quot;plugin_zone&quot;&gt;
  771. {loop=&quot;$plugin_end_zone&quot;}
  772. {$value}
  773. {/loop}
  774. &lt;/div&gt;
  775. </code></pre>
  776. <p><strong>feed.atom.xml</strong> and <strong>feed.rss.xml</strong>:</p>
  777. <p>In headers tags section:</p>
  778. <pre><code class="xml">{loop=&quot;$feed_plugins_header&quot;}
  779. {$value}
  780. {/loop}
  781. </code></pre>
  782. <p>After each entry:</p>
  783. <pre><code class="xml">{loop=&quot;$value.feed_plugins&quot;}
  784. {$value}
  785. {/loop}
  786. </code></pre>
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