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  172. <li class="toctree-l3"><a href="#why-use-shaarli-and-not-deliciousdiigo">Why use Shaarli and not Delicious/Diigo ?</a></li>
  173. <li class="toctree-l3"><a href="#what-does-shaarli-mean">What does Shaarli mean?</a></li>
  174. <li class="toctree-l3"><a href="#my-shaarli-is-broken">My Shaarli is broken!</a></li>
  175. <li class="toctree-l3"><a href="#why-not-use-a-real-database-files-are-slow">Why not use a real database? Files are slow!</a></li>
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  208. <h3 id="why-did-you-create-shaarli">Why did you create Shaarli ?</h3>
  209. <p>I was a StumbleUpon user. Then I got fed up with they big toolbar. I switched to delicious, which was lighter, faster and more beautiful. Until Yahoo bought it. Then the export API broke all the time, delicious became slow and was ditched by Yahoo. I switched to Diigo, which is not bad, but does too much. And Diigo is sslllooooowww and their Firefox extension a bit buggy. And… oh… <strong>their Firefox addon sends to Diigo every single URL you visit</strong> (Don't believe me ? Use <a href="">Tamper Data</a> and open any page).</p>
  210. <p>Enough is enough. Saving simple links should not be a complicated heavy thing. I ditched them all and wrote my own: Shaarli. It's simple, but it does the job and does it well. And my data is not hosted on a foreign server, but on my server.</p>
  211. <h3 id="why-use-shaarli-and-not-deliciousdiigo">Why use Shaarli and not Delicious/Diigo ?</h3>
  212. <p>With Shaarli:</p>
  213. <ul>
  214. <li>The data is yours: It's hosted on your server.</li>
  215. <li>Never fear of having your data locked-in.</li>
  216. <li>Never fear to have your data sold to third party.</li>
  217. <li>Your private links are not hosted on a third party server.</li>
  218. <li>You are not tracked by browser addons (like Diigo does)</li>
  219. <li>You can change the look and feel of the pages if you want.</li>
  220. <li>You can change the behaviour of the program.</li>
  221. <li>It's magnitude faster than most bookmarking services.</li>
  222. </ul>
  223. <h3 id="what-does-shaarli-mean">What does Shaarli mean?</h3>
  224. <p>Shaarli is for shaaring your links.</p>
  225. <h3 id="my-shaarli-is-broken">My Shaarli is broken!</h3>
  226. <p>First of all, ensure that both the <a href="../Server-configuration">web server</a> and <a href="../Shaarli-configuration">Shaarli</a> are correctly configured, and that your installation is <a href="../Server-requirements">supported</a>.</p>
  227. <p>If everything looks right but the issue(s) remain(s), please:
  228. - take a look at the <a href="../Troubleshooting">troubleshooting</a> section
  229. - come <a href="">chat with us</a> on Gitter, we'll be happy to help ;-)
  230. - browse active <a href="">issues</a> and <a href="">Pull Requests</a>
  231. - if you find one that is related to the issue, feel free to comment and provide additional details (host/Shaarli setup)
  232. - else, <a href="">open a new issue</a>, and provide information about the problem:
  233. - <em>what happens?</em> - display glitches, invalid data, security flaws...
  234. - <em>what is your configuration?</em> - OS, server version, activated extensions, web browser...
  235. - <em>is it reproducible?</em></p>
  236. <h3 id="why-not-use-a-real-database-files-are-slow">Why not use a real database? Files are slow!</h3>
  237. <p>Does browsing <a href="">this page</a> feel slow? Try browsing older pages, too.</p>
  238. <p>It's not slow at all, is it? And don't forget the database contains more than 16000 links, and it's on a shared host, with 32000 visitors/day for my website alone. And it's still damn fast. Why?</p>
  239. <p>The data file is only 3.7 Mb. It's read 99% of the time, and is probably already in the operation system disk cache. So generating a page involves no I/O at all most of the time.</p>
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