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#Sharing button

Add the sharing button (bookmarklet) to your browser

  • Open your Shaarli and Login
  • Click the Tools button in the top bar
  • Drag the ✚Shaare link button, and drop it to your browser's bookmarks bar.

This bookmarklet button is compatible with Firefox, Opera, Chrome and Safari. Under Opera, you can't drag'n drop the button: You have to right-click on it and add a bookmark to your personal toolbar.


Share links using the bookmarklet

  • When you are visiting a webpage you would like to share with Shaarli, click the bookmarklet you just added.
  • A window opens.
    • You can freely edit title, description, tags... to find it later using the text search or tag filtering.
    • You will be able to edit this link later using the
    • You can also check the “Private” box so that the link is saved but only visible to you.
  • Click Save.Voilà! Your link is now shared.

Troubleshooting: The bookmarklet doesn't work with a few website (e.g.

Websites which enforce Content Security Policy (CSP), such as, disallow usage of bookmarklets. Unfortunatly, there is nothing Shaarli can do about it.

See #196.[](.html)

There is an open bug for both Firefox and Chromium: