![evernotezimport](https://git.kotur.org/kotnik/evernotezimport/raw/master/logo.png) This package takes Evernote notebook export and imports it into Zim directory. ### Installation Install it just for yourself: ``` pip install --user evernotezimport ``` After that `zimport` command will be ready to help you. ### Usage Export Notebook from Evernote desktop application (sadly, you can not do this from the web interface). Take that file and tell `zimport` where to expand it, somewhere in Zim directory. For example: ``` zimport --zim /path/to/zim/notebook/root/Everjokes /path/to/evernote/export/notebook.enex ``` ### What's missing? It is rough on the edges. Tags are not supported properly and Evernote HTML is just being stripped leaving you with pure text of your note. ### Developing It's easy. Clone this repository and: ``` virtualenv .env source .env/bin/activate pip install -e . ``` Work on repository directly, and use `zimport` command to test. Thank you.