Pipfile 859 B

  1. [[source]]
  2. name = "pypi"
  3. url = "https://pypi.org/simple"
  4. verify_ssl = true
  5. [dev-packages]
  6. autopep8 = "*" # Code formatter
  7. flake8 = "*" # Base-linter module
  8. flake8-quotes = "*" # flake8-extension to lint bad quoting
  9. flake8-docstrings = "*" # flake8-ext for strict docstring linting
  10. flake8-builtins = "*" # flake8-ext to check python builtins used as vars etc.
  11. flake8-import-order = "*" # flake8-ext to cleanup imports
  12. flake8-blind-except = "*" # flake8-ext to catch blind exception catches
  13. flake8-use-fstring = "*" # flake8-ext to enforce f-strings
  14. pep8-naming = "*" # flake8-ext to enforce pep8 naming conventions
  15. isort = "*" # Automated import sorting
  16. pytest = "*" # Python base-testing library
  17. tox = "*" # Automated and standardized testing in Python
  18. rope = "*" # Refactoring library
  19. twine = "*" # Interoperability with pypi.org
  20. [packages]
  21. requests = "*"