# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Basic test suite. There are some 'noqa: F401' in this file to just test the isort import sorting along with the code formatter. """ import __future__ # noqa: F401 import json # noqa: F401 from os import path # noqa: F401 from re import IGNORECASE, sub # noqa: F401 import my_module # noqa: F401 from my_module.utils import add_two_numbers import pytest import requests # noqa: F401 class TestUtils: # noqa: D101 @pytest.mark.parametrize('number_left, number_right', [ (None, 1), (1, None), (None, None) ]) def test_add_two_numbers_no_input(self, number_left, number_right): """Basic input validation.""" with pytest.raises(ValueError): add_two_numbers(number_left, number_right) def test_add_two_numbers_regular_input(self): """Basic asserting test.""" assert add_two_numbers(2, 3) == 5