[[source]] name = "pypi" url = "https://pypi.org/simple" verify_ssl = true [dev-packages] autopep8 = "*" # Code formatter flake8 = "*" # Base-linter module flake8-quotes = "*" # flake8-extension to lint bad quoting flake8-docstrings = "*" # flake8-ext for strict docstring linting flake8-builtins = "*" # flake8-ext to check python builtins used as vars etc. flake8-blind-except = "*" # flake8-ext to catch blind exception catches flake8-use-fstring = "*" # flake8-ext to enforce f-strings pep8-naming = "*" # flake8-ext to enforce pep8 naming conventions isort = "*" # Automated import sorting pytest = "*" # Python base-testing library tox = "*" # Automated and standardized testing in Python rope = "*" # Refactoring library twine = "*" # Interoperability with pypi.org [packages] requests = "*"