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Nikola Kotur 5 years ago

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+title: "Dietary facts on fats"
+date: 2013-11-03T14:33:47+01:00
+draft: false
+    - "/posts/dietary-facts-on-fats.html"
+tags: [food,lectures]
+toc: false
+So, I watched a lecture by Katie Ferraro named: _Dietary Fats: The Good the Bad
+and the Ugly_. It left me with some big questions regarding my own food intake,
+and I am sure it won't leave you unimpressed too. Please take some time to watch
+{{< youtube qwSMgZYAaZU >}}
+Here are some facts I wrote down:
+  * Eat fish at least two times a week. If you don't, buy some fish oil. The
+  point is to eat at least 500-1000mg of omega-3 EPA+DHA unsaturated fatty acid.
+  * Don't eat more than 7 egss a week.
+  * Cut out the saturated fat: red meat, cheeses of all kinds.
+  * It's OK to use calcium and vitamin D supplements.
+  * Remember the number 20, since 20g is absolute maximum of saturated fat you
+  can take a day (eating none is okay too, but not all fat, only saturated one).
+Also, at the end of the lecture she talks about Mediterranean diet and lifestyle
+in very positive way. I am starting to plan long-term changes based on these
+facts from it:
+  * It's plant based with herbs and spices for flavour.
+  * Limited red meat intake, focus on fish and poultry and include food from the
+  sea.
+  * Low on processed food, focus on fresh.
+  * Moderate diary, meaning milk products such as cheeses.
+  * Focus on good fats: olive oil, avocado, various nuts.
+  * Moderate alcohol intake, up to 2 glasses a day for men, one for women.
+  * Activity is the part of the lifestyle. Exercise half an hour a day, five
+  days a week, instead.
+  * Eat slowly, focus on the food. It'll be better digested and you'll enjoy
+  more.
+Update: Ferraro's lecture _Dietary Fiber: The Most Important Nutrient?_ can be
+viewed [here](

+ 33 - 0

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+title: "Short stories for your e-book reader"
+date: 2013-12-26T19:25:15+01:00
+draft: false
+    - "/posts/short-stories-for-your-e-book-reader.html"
+tags: [books,epub]
+toc: false
+I love to read books, and ever since I got myself a wonderful
+[e-book reader]( I am reading even more. But, I am
+annoyed with the fact that it is hard to take a short story from the Internet
+and put it on the e-book reader.
+So, I armed myself with [Sigil]( and created
+this EPUB file with the five stories I wanted to read. You can find the list
+after the link. Since this file served me well, it might as well serve you, so
+you can download it here, free of charge:
+[<img src="/images/epub-stories/epub-icon.png">](/files/epub-stories/Short-Stories.epub)
+One thing here is important to be noted: I **do not** have a copyright on any
+of these short stories, and I will remove the file if asked to do so. The
+stories in the EPUB file are freely available here:
+  * Stephen King - [Harvey's Dream](
+  * George Saunders - [Puppy](
+  * Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. - [Harrison Bergeron](
+  * Ray Bradbury - [The Veldt](
+  * Joyce Carol Oates - [Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?](
+Enjoy reading!

+ 19 - 0

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+title: "The best of 2017: Books"
+date: 2018-01-05T22:11:21+01:00
+draft: false
+    - "/posts/the-best-of-2017-books.html"
+tags: [books,bestof,bestof_2017]
+toc: false
+<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/images/2017/little-life.png"></a>
+<a href="" target="_blank">A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara</a>
+I've always had this tense relationship with literature classics: most of the time I didn't understand them completely. I liked language fireworks of Ivo Andrić, but somehow could not relate to Ottoman Bosnia. Iliad was weird, chaotic and purposless. I loved inner reading of people from Dostoyevsky's Brothers Karamazov, but I could never manage to understand acting of any of the characters - mismanaged pride and that weird linkage of woman's chastity to man's self-purpose was just beyond me. It just seemed to me that in any situation the writer would imagine what would be the most stupid and irresponsable thing to do, and then continued writing on that.
+But for this book, and it is the best book I read in 2017, I think it will become the classic of the early 21st century. I understood it, I could relate to some of the characters. It taught me about my own zeitgeist, my own age and it's peculiarities. Also it was hard, tears inducing hard. Since I got a child of my own I became very sensitive to children suffering, and this book has a lot of it. But it's worth it.
+It's worth reading, and re-reading it again. And learning from it.

+ 23 - 0

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+title: "The best of 2017: Longread Article"
+date: 2018-01-29T13:06:00+01:00
+draft: false
+    - "/posts/the-best-of-2017-longread-article.html"
+tags: [brexit,articles,bestof,bestof_2017]
+toc: false
+<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/images/2017/brexit.jpg"></a>
+<a href="" target="_blank">How the Brexit Referendum Was Won, by Dominic Cummings</a>
+This long article from Dominic Cummings, the coordinator of the Brexit campaign, was the best article I read in year 2017. It's really long, maybe I should call it a novella.
+It's fascinating and very unique. Because here, the man behind the Brexit, goes very deeply into his motivation to join and lead the campaign, and describes tactics employeed to very minute detail. I don't know of any other similar document that goes to such depth, espeically regarding the tactics, at least nothing contemporary.
+This is the most detailed and reveailing look into modern political campaing.
+But, its uniqueness is not just in that. When people win political victory they always hide their tools and try to impose impression of political all-knowing competence, and that is wise to do. Or they hide how their reached the victory so their opponents can not steal their ideas, or use them to prepare counter attacks. But not here.
+After reading this article I was reminded of an old quote from Otto von Bismarck how _"politics is like sasuages, you don't watch any of them being made"_. But sure is very interesting to see how the world really works.

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+title: "The best of 2017: Podcast"
+date: 2018-01-17T22:12:17+01:00
+draft: false
+    - "/posts/the-best-of-2017-podcast.html"
+tags: [podcasts,bestof,bestof_2017]
+toc: false
+The best podcast experience I had in 2017 is <a href="" target="_blank">You Must Remember This: Charles Manson's Hollywood</a>. It was not recorded during the last year, but it was then that I discovered it.
+<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/images/2017/ymrt.jpg"></a>
+This is a hard subject. Disturbing and dark story, developed <a href="" target="_blank">12 parts</a>, following people and events around Charlie Manson and his cult.
+Storytelling is superb. Host, Karina Longworth, is very creative and not only that she is good at writing the story, she is also flawless in presenting it. After listening an episode, I could hardly wait to hear the next one. She spends a lot of time explaining the zeitgeist of the late 60s, which was specially interesting to me due to the fact that I didn't know much about that period of American history. There is a lot of music, the Beatles mostly of course, and it helps to feel the story, not only to understand it. You will never look at the hippie culture the same again.
+Story itself is complex. I was unaware how deep it went, and what it meant to the people of that age, or how misogynic Roman Polanski is. As an added, and unexpected, bonus this series gives one of the best descriptions of how cults are made and maintained.
+You don't have to be a fan of celebrity stories to enjoy it. And I am not. But, you will enjoy this. It is pure gold, and if there were podcasting awards, I'd vote for it.







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