about.html 1.0 KB

  1. {# This simple template derives from ``base.html``. See ``base.html`` for
  2. more information about template inheritance. #}
  3. {%- extends "base.html" %}
  4. {# Loads some of the macros included with Flask-Bootstrap. We are using the
  5. utils module here to automatically render Flask's flashed messages in a
  6. bootstrap friendly manner #}
  7. {% import "bootstrap/utils.html" as utils %}
  8. {# Inside the ``content`` is where you should place most of your own stuff.
  9. This will keep scripts at the page end and a navbar you add on later
  10. intact. #}
  11. {% block content %}
  12. <div class="container">
  13. {%- with messages = get_flashed_messages(with_categories=True) %}
  14. {%- if messages %}
  15. <div class="row">
  16. <div class="col-md-12">
  17. {{utils.flashed_messages(messages)}}
  18. </div>
  19. </div>
  20. {%- endif %}
  21. {%- endwith %}
  22. <div class="jumbotron">
  23. <h1>About</h1>
  24. <p>
  25. <a class="btn btn-lg btn-default" role="button"
  26. href="http://pythonhosted.org/Flask-Bootstrap" >Show docs</a>
  27. </p>
  28. </div>
  29. </div>
  30. {%- endblock %}